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Magnus Nilsson za Uskrs kuha na žičari na 1274 metra. Evo kako upasti na večeru


Prvo, graniči s nemogućim da je Magnus Nilsson uopće pristao kuhati izvan svog restorana u divljini na zapadu Švedske. Poznat je po izjavama da ga kuhanje izvan Fävikena ne uzbuđuje. Drugo, Nilsson ne samo da će kuhati izvan svog restorana, nego će za Uskrs kuhati u zraku. U pop-up restoranu Kabin 1274 na žičari zaustavljenoj iznad Årea u Švedskoj.

Od 20. do 22. travnja sretnici koji dobiju rezervaciju moći će uživati u Nilssonovoj nordijskoj kuhinji na 1274 metra. Magnus Nilsson pop-up je najavio u dugačkom statusu na svom Instagram profilu, u kojemu je objasnio kako je došlo do njegova neočekivanog izleta. Na ideju je došao švedski distributer električne energije Fortum.

Cilj je promovirati održivost, odnosno korištenje električnih automobila i vlakova umjesto vozila koja troše fosilna goriva. I žičara na kojoj će Nilsson kuhati sada radi na naftu, a Fortum je želi prebaciti na struju. “Pristao sam kad su mi rekli tko će doći na večeru,” napisao ne Nilsson na Instagramu, “Za ovaj pop-up ne možete kupiti rezervaciju, nema influencera ni medija ni drugih ‘važnih gostiju’. Jedini način da koji možete ući je da se za uskršnje blagdane zateknete u Åreu i da se dovezete vlakom ili električnim automobilom.

Ako ste jedan od tih, kliknete na link u mom profilu, ostavite ime i nadate se najboljem.” Nilsson je izjavio da mu je do ovog projekta jako stalo, jer ljudi s kojima surađuje na njemu dijele vrijednosti i misiju Fävikena. “Mi uvijek nastojimo aktivnim odlukama održivo upravljati resursima, radimo s lokalnim i većinom organskim namirnicama, grijemo restoran na pelete koje sami proizvodimo, koristimo struju i lokalne hidrocentrale, sve recikliramo i proizvodimo vlastiti kompost koji koristimo za uzgoj povrća.

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I was asked by @fortumsverige , the power company to make an event for them in the Åre Kabinbana Gondola, dangling high up in the air. Normally I don’t do external dinners because it’s rare that I feel exited to cook outside of my own kitchen. I said “tell me more” rather than “thanks, but no thanks” though when they told me that they wanted to do this because they wanted to celebrate their commitment in turning the running of the lifts in Åre to fossil free electricity. A very good thing I thought. What actually made me commit however was when they told me who was going to get to come! For this pop-up you cant buy a seat, and there are non kept for “influencers” or media or other “important guests”. The only way that you can get in is if you are going to Åre for your Easter holiday anyway, but by taking the train or driving an electric vehicle. If you are doing so you can submit your name by clicking on the link in my bio and hope for the best. The reason why I feel strongly about this is because as a business we have always tried to manage resources sustainably by making active decisions. It has to do with things like how we work with local and mostly organic produce, how we heat all of our buildings with woodchips produced on our own lands, how we use local hydroelectricity for our electrical needs or how we recycle in 30 fractions and compost everything biodegradable and use the result to grow our vegetables. I think it is an absolute minimum for a business like ours to do these things, and not really something to brag about, it’s just something we should all do. Which is why we rarely talk about them. However, the biggest single impact we generate is none of the ones mitigated by the above-mentioned actions. It is the way that people get here, and that is mostly out of our control. This event puts the finger right on the problem by rewarding those who made a choice to come to Åre using sustainable means of transportation. And perhaps the event itself will get some attention and show others who are going here in the future that you can travel here without flying, at least part of the way. The train to Åre is an excellent way of getting to Jämtland!

A post shared by Magnus Nilsson (@magnusfaviken) on

Mislim da je za biznis poput našeg to minimum minimuma, nešto što apsolutno moramo raditi, zato rijetko i govorim o tome. Ipak, najveći utjecaj koji možemo imati na okoliš nije u postupcima koje sam spomenuo, već u načinu na koji ljudi dolaze do nas, a to ne možemo kontrolirati. Većina gostiju dolazi avionima ili automobilima. Ovaj event pogađa baš tu temu.” Dakle, ako se za vikend zateknete na zapadu Švedske, sjednite na vlak za Åre i javite se Nilssonu. Nikad se ne zna.

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